Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My Best Friend and Vegas

A few weeks ago I booked a flight so I could see Rachael, my best friend. She lives in Vegas and we haven't seen each other in over five years. While I was in Korea she had a life changing experience happen, she almost DIED from a ruptured AVM. I'm so glad I had the means to visit her.

You cannot visit a best friend without thinking about your childhood and all of the fun things we have done together. Rachael and I were basically neighbors growing up. We could walk to each others houses no problem as long as we had permission from our parents. Most of our youthful time together was spent at church activities. Pardon me for reminiscing for a minute. 

This picture was taken at Sister Dexter's house during Youth Conference 2002
Rachael, Anna and Brooke
At church with some great gals!
Rachael, Hannah, Mary, Katie, Sunni, and Jessica
I don't remember what event this was, maybe the Marshall's will remember. 
Rachael, Brother Marshall, ME, Bryce, Anna

Without Rachael and Anna I'm not sure how I would have survived high school.

When I did my senior photos they allowed Rachael to be in my photo shoot. We had a great time posing and making silly faces. If we can do anything right it would be hilarious photos. I'm sorry because I chose not to post any of them because they are embarrassing. 

My trip to Vegas was so relaxing and a much needed break from the freezing weather in Boston. Rachael and her sister Sarah really pampered me. My hair was straight for a few days. I haven't had it straight in a long time and definitely not with my new cut.
We walked a lot and it was great! I have been to Utah but that is as far West I had been till this trip. It was the first time I saw a legit wild cactus! I'm sure Rachael thought I was silly because I wanted a picture of them but I think they are super cool.

This picture is a typical one... Rachael is being silly and I was trying to give her bunny ears but I'm too short. This was the night we walked around the strip for a couple of hours. We had a great time people watching and exploring a few places. We went back to the place where she worked when her AVM ruptured, she hasn't been back since. She would never let it show but I know on the inside she wasn't doing so well.

We all have trials in life and we have them to help us learn and grow. If I have learned anything lately it has been that I have nothing. Everything I do have was given to me by Heavenly Father. I'm so grateful for that knowledge. I'm grateful that I could have such an awesome best friend who loves me for who I am and will listen to me go on and on about life. 

I don't have children but I have heard many parents say it's hard for them to watch their children be sick and they feel so helpless because they cannot relieve the pain. Right now that's how I feel about Rachael. I feel helpless, all I want to do is tell her I love her and hug her until she understands. She needs to understand how important she is to me and to others who have known her. 

She won't admit any of her hard times because she doesn't want people to feel sorry for her and she most certainly doesn't want to come across selfish. She realizes that there are others who have it much worse than she does. 

Rachael has a stack of medical  bills that she has to pay before the doctor will even see her again. She feels like she has a price on her head. If you want to help her you can do so by donating to her fund herehttp://www.gofundme.com/he6he0  

Or leave a encouraging comment on the blog so she can see it.

This Post is dedicated to the best friends in our lives. The ones who are there for you thick and thin. The ones who teach you things without ever knowing it. The ones who make you grateful for what you have. I hope if nothing else, in reading this you'll think of those friends and let them know how much you care.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

Since being snowed in basically the whole time we have been here we decided to get out and go on a day long date.

We woke up and got all dressed up and left for the temple. The bus system is not running on schedule so it's a hit or freeze situation. As we just left the house we saw a bus pass by and we knew that the next one would be 30-60 minutes away so we walked to a different bus route. We didn't have luck on our side so we froze for about 30 minutes. Lucky the bus was warm enough that my feet regained some feeling. The bus took us to the subway tracks and we jumped on our train and headed to downtown Boston. In downtown we had a subway exchange so we could head up past the Harvard area where the temple is located. We finally arrived at the end of the red subway line and saw this while waited for our bus. 
A super tall wall of snow... we are running out of places to pile it and it just keeps coming.

The bus finally arrived at half past frozen feet and we were off to the temple.....well toward the temple at least. It turns out the temple is a half mile walk from the bus drop off point. No sidewalks.. just us walking with cars driving.

We made it though and it is a gorgeous temple on the inside and out. After the temple we walked back to the bus stop and again as we were almost there we watched a bus pass. I cannot explain the feeling of freezing and depression mixed together when you learn that these buses run 1 hour apart. This was one of those times where you could say it couldn't get any worse.....THEN it started snowing. We had good spirits about it though and lucky a bus rescued us about 40 minutes into our wait time.

We made it back to town and ate an early dinner and grabbed dessert for the road.
Then we went back underground to jump on the subway to head home... five stops into the trip we figured out we were going the opposite way of home so we jumped off and jumped on the train going the right way. We finally made it to our station and we eventually got on our bus and got home safely. My Valentine's Day surprise was waiting in mailbox and I was super excited to open it. Nick gave me the greatest gift ever. He adopted a sea turtle for me!!!!!! I can either name a baby sea turtle or I can track a sea turtle but I can't do both. I think I'm going to go for tracking a turtle because then I can keep track of him. I'm super excited about it! As I was reading through my Adoption papers Nick was drawing a bath for my feet because, didn't I mention I couldn't feel them anymore?

Well our day getting out of the house was eventful to say the least. I hope all of you had a great Valentine's Day and a great 3 day weekend. 

If you take anything away from this blog please let it be one of these three things. 1) the temple and cannolis are always worth the risk. 2) proper foot wear is a must! 3) if you are handed a snow ball... make snow cream :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Holidays 2014

I'm writing to catch you up on the things we did while we were in Alabama visiting family over the last month and a half.

Nick and I returned home LATE on November 21st Nick's 30th Birthday. He had no idea that I planned a surprise party for him on the following day eating Mexican with all of his old Country Day School Friends. We had such a great time with everyone.
Lauren, Christina, Nick, Josh
There birthday tradition is to smear whipping cream on your face while singing happy birthday.

The following week we had Thanksgiving at Grandma Bunny's house and I'm sorry to say that I don't have any photos of that nor do I have photos from Thanksgiving at my mothers house. Just know we ate a lot of food!

 After Thanksgiving we visited Brom and Sherry for the blessing of their new little girl. We had a great weekend with them and the Peters' family. It was great watching all the kids play (Including Nick)

Such a great picture of us with Ashley. Thanks Becky Peters for taking it and sharing!

Speaking of Babies I was such a lucky Aunt and I got to babysit and spend time with my sweet nephew Grayson. Can't believe he is starting to craw! Time is flying!

Nick and I were having difficulties trying to decide where we wanted to live so we decided to pick our top favorite places and fly to Boston to take a look at them. Our first day there our realtor drove us around and we check out the apartments. We made a decision and signed a contract.
We walked everywhere as we explored the city. This area is near back bay. We passed it as we were walking to the subway.
 The Pizza from the oldest pizza restaurant in Boston, Regina Pizzeria
For dessert we found a Ghirardelli chocolate ice cream bar. There was way too much dark chocolate in our dessert so I had to stop eating it but Nick finished it off.

After Boston it was basically Christmas time. Nick and I took Joe, our nephew, ice skating and that was a hilarious good time. It ended when Joe got overly confident in his skating abilities and busted his lip pretty bad. After we cleaned him up I wanted him to get back on the ice and make one more round before we headed home because I didn't want him to be afraid of skating in the future. He would not go, so we just went home.

So glad we were able to take him skating and spend some one on one time with him. He is such a great boy and he is growing up so fast.

Later in the week we hunted down our Christmas tree took her home and decorated her. Fun family memories listening to Christmas music while decorating the house.
This year Nick and I spent Christmas with my family and then the week after Christmas with Nick's family. For Christmas we had our usual family get together and it was great to see many people I haven't seen in two years or longer.

We celebrated Christmas eve with my Dad, Judy, Catherine, Ana, and Crockett which was amazing. We went to a candlelight service and then home for a nice fancy dinner. Nick and I got to help wrap presents and then go to bed late just to wake up super early. SO FUN!!

 Ana, Judy, Lauren, Cat
Nick, Lauren, Ana, Catherine, Crockett, and Lina the dog
Waking up super early and surprising Crockett with the flash on the camera... AWESOME!

On Christmas day we went to my mother's house and did a gift exchange with my brothers and sisters (minus a few).

After Christmas it was time to celebrate with Nick's family. Duncan and Devan flew in with their two year old and we did gifts with them. Then we traveled to Gulf Shores. We had a great time in our lovely condo and with all of our awesome activities. I think it goes without saying that everyone really loved fishing... well maybe not Nick so much... sorry Nick
Devan caught the first catch of the day and later the first in season fish that we could actually keep and could eat.
 Poor Nick chummed for the fish! He did a great job because we caught some big ones!
 My lovely Amberjack!
 Lon's Awesome Amberjack!
Duncan's FAMOUS Red Snapper.... that we had to throw back :(

We also took time to go to Mobile and check out the USS Alabama.. It was way cooler than I expected it to be.
 Jennifer with her boys!
 Nick in the submarine.
Jennifer at the front of the submarine.

 Our Condo view...
Madison our niece!

Overall we had a great beach trip. It made it hard to come back home and back to reality of packing and saying goodbyes. But it was great to spend time with family and so glad Grandma Bunny was able to come and visit too.

The weekend before we left for our Boston Adventure Joe was baptized. Before his baptism Nick and I were able to spend some much needed time with my mom and Don. We went out to breakfast and then some shopping. Later after the baptism we went out to dinner. It was great spending time with them.

Joe's baptism was also very special. He was surrounded by family and friends.
Joe(my older brother), Little Joe, Valerie (Mom), Don and Austin

So excited that Mama Ellen Came (My Grandmother on my Dad's side) I took a picture with her because I don't think I have ever taken one with her.

We tried to spend as much time as we could with all of our family members. I'm sad that I didn't take many photos of my family get togethers with my brothers and sisters. I hope next time I will remember.  I will miss all of our family members but I know we will be down to visit and they will be up to visit.