Thursday, August 14, 2014

Summer Intensive Program

Last summer I was stuck in Cyber School, so I wasn't able to teach in a classroom with the same students for two weeks. This year things were different. The teachers worked hard on their topic and made pages to go along with it. Everyone's pages were put together to form our book. In the past a teacher had the same class and had to teach the other topics. This time we changed it and each teacher got to teach their topic to each class. Each week we taught our theme for two days and then had two fun days. Our fun days included: Talent show, Art day, Golden Bell Quiz, Movie Day, and Field Day. We had a lot of fun.

My class:

 Girls from left to right: Annie, Emily, and Julie
 Boys from left to right: Tom, Hulk(Killer), Spider-man, and Wolverine (And yes their personalities matched their names)
Awesome Gif! I loved my class so much. They were all in 4th grade and their English skills were the lowest out of the other 30 something children that interviewed for the program. My group had so much energy and for the most part they were well behaved.

I taught a camping theme for my class. The kids seemed to enjoy it. We put up a tent and ate S'mores, what's not to enjoy?

Our talent show turned out awesome. Lauren Hand and I did a taekwondo comedy routine that everyone loved.

Our last teaching day was field day. It turned out to be more like a carnival because of the rain. Each teacher picked an activity to do in their classroom and the students went around in a rotation to visit each class. At the end we played Hide and Go Seek and Sardines. It was AWESOME! As the students left to go home for the last time they were surprised at how much we loved them... HAHA Watch the video!

Hope you liked the water balloon video! We had such a great three weeks with our students.  Its sad to think that this is our last summer intensive. Time is going by so fast. Now summer vacation is upon us and my Mom and Step-dad have arrived. Vacation blog next!!!

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