Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Blizzard Juno January 2015

We have had a great few days with all the snow around. Sunday we were warned the storm was coming so we walked to the grocery store near us and restocked our 72 hour kit and other things for the week first thing Monday morning. The snow began mid-afternoon and did NOT stop until sometime early Wednesday morning. Tuesday was so windy and snowy we didn't dare exit the apartment. Wednesday however we woke up to the sun shinning through our window and knew it was going to be a fun day. We both put on two or three layers of the warmest stuff we had and then headed outside.

Nick jumped off the porch first thing!

We walked around and enjoyed watching others shoveling the snow! HAHA
Okay, Nick did offer a few older ladies but they declined his awesome arm strength.

We just had a FANTASTIC time!
Our apartment in the snow!
Nick kept trying to convince me that jumping in the snow would be fun. It was suppose to be light enough that I would sink through it... well it didn't happen the first time so........
......I tried again and it worked a little better but still not what I expected it to be like... Because I didn't get the effect Nick wanted he later pushed me in a deep area of fluffy snow... 3 freakin times.. as I would begin to get back up he would push me again. Once I tried to tackle him and missed and landed face first in the fluff. It was a great time.

Now time for some Hot Chocolate and getting back to the business. Hope everyone is staying warm!

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