Monday, March 3, 2014

A bunch of Random Part 2

I accidently hit the publish button, but Nick thought it was hilarious and made me wait a whole day to post the update... so now without further ado...

We bought the wall hangings in China. The meaning behind each one is the reason we bought them and why they are in a certain order hanging! From left to right you have Cherry blossom tree, Yin and Yang fish, and Bamboo. The cherry blossom represent feminine beauty and sexuality and holds the idea of feminine dominance. The Koi fish represent the balance of masculinity and femininity and have the characteristics of good fortune, success, prosperity, and longevity.
Bamboo represent man, it is strong, upright, and dependable. He may bend with the wind, the storm and the rain, but he never breaks. He is a true gentleman of courage and endurance. When we were told the meanings it sounded just like our relationship so we had to have them.

Taekwondo is going great. We should get our red belts next week. We have been very busy practicing and preparing for our Black Belts. Yes in the picture I'm holding an apple, don't ask.

Just to point out two things, first McDonald's delivers here in Korea, second this scooter is using the sidewalks to get around.

Not to long ago we sang Karaoke in our bosses upstairs room where usually no one is allowed. It was fun!

We had students come from a different town. They did a one day tour of our school and it gave us an excuse to have some fun!

 We went to Seoul this past weekend and on our trip back home we shared a quart of 3 different flavors of Baskin' Robins Ice Cream. They wrapped it up in a bag along with piece of dry ice to keep it frozen. When we finished the ice cream we had some fun with the dry ice.

 Sunday on our way home from church we opened the package we got from my mother and brother. So excited to have my favorite hairspray again!! Thanks for all of the fun stuff. I loved my shirt and I wore the box on my head to be funny. It was a great ride home, many confused looks and awkward smiles. Maybe I had to much sugar?
We are really excited that spring is coming. Hope you guys are too.


  1. hi!!!!
    i'm bobo!!!!
    i heard about you from koung!
    long time no see!!
    i moved in busan
    very busy days :(
    i wais come in contact with koung every day
    i' willl back! soon!! bye!!!
    i will send message!soon!! :)

  2. hello! i'm kyeong!
    today is fun! beacause i meat you:)
    did you have a great time at shopping?
    often i will write comment!! bye:>
